Isis Yoni Steam Blend
This herbal blend is formulated for you if:
You menstruate 28 days or longer and want to support your natural uterine cleanse.
Have a missing period or no period and want to regulate your cycle.
Wanting to cycle with the lunar rhythms.
Herbs used: Motherwort, rose, mugwort, lavender, orange peel, nettle Leaf. *All herbs are organic
This blend gives you up to 12 individual steam sessions.
This herbal blend is formulated for you if:
You menstruate 28 days or longer and want to support your natural uterine cleanse.
Have a missing period or no period and want to regulate your cycle.
Wanting to cycle with the lunar rhythms.
Herbs used: Motherwort, rose, mugwort, lavender, orange peel, nettle Leaf. *All herbs are organic
This blend gives you up to 12 individual steam sessions.
This herbal blend is formulated for you if:
You menstruate 28 days or longer and want to support your natural uterine cleanse.
Have a missing period or no period and want to regulate your cycle.
Wanting to cycle with the lunar rhythms.
Herbs used: Motherwort, rose, mugwort, lavender, orange peel, nettle Leaf. *All herbs are organic
This blend gives you up to 12 individual steam sessions.
Auset or Isis, was and is the greatest and most loved of all Egyptian Goddesses. She is the divine mother of both earth, stars and an incredible alchemist, healer and magician. She will often come to you as you start to walk unto your path of awakening and she will prove to be one of your most powerful allies. She will awaken your gifts and welcome you with open wings into the womb mysteries.
As said in, The Book of Doors,
“As the Lady of Love she is the goddess Het-Hert.
As the great goddess of the Duat she was Thenenet.
As the power of the flooding Nile she was Satet.
As the mighty earth goddess her name was Usert.
As the goddess of the Duat her name was Ament, the “hidden goddess”.
As the giver of life she was Ankhet (Ankh).”
I call upon Auset as I make this blend. So my sisters may receive her healing, alchemical codes and frequencies.