Womb Steaming Facilitator Intensive

Join Cassandra, High Priestess and Medicine Woman for a 4 day in person Ceremonial Womb Steam Facilitator Intensive in Mesa Arizona.

Secure your spot for January 2025 enrollment here with deposit of $500.


Pythia is the oracle priestess of the House of Snakes, and Gaia’s wisdom. It is said Gaia gave birth to Pythia and brother Pythonβ€”a colossal Earth-dragon who inspired Pythia's visions and prophecies. It is said Apollo killed  the great Python and buried his body beneath Pythia’s own temple at Krisa. Apollo took the Pythia as his own head priestess, thus appropriating the Serpent’s power of prophecy into the Greek pantheon. Birthing the oracles of Delphi.

Pythia was the title of a priestess who gave mystical prophecies in the temple of Delphi (dedicated to Apollo). The Pythia Priestesses were the Oracles of Delphi and have proven to be a large part of Greek her-story. Many traveling from a far to speak to the great oracles. In art you will see them depicted sitting on a large throne over a crevice of the Earth, deep in a channeled state, laurel in hand, with a bowl of water near.

This facilitation mentorship is a reclamation of Pythia and her original Priestesshood as Oracle and channel for the serpentine energy of Gaia. A reclamation that women are born with the natural mystical gifts to allow them to be oracles and channels for the divine and Earth.

As I facilitate womb steaming in my womb temple space, I watch my clientele sitting on their steam thrown as the Pythia priestess sat on hers. Steam rising into both their sacred wombs, channeling from this space. I feel the potent energy and support of the oracle and priestess of Gaia, Phytia present with us.

Women as they steam connect, activate and remember they are oracles for their own lives, oracles and visionaries for the collective. We as womb steam facilitators, priestesses hold space to awaken and heal the feminine who come to us. We channel from our womb oracle, and the serpentine energy of Mother Earth.

Who is this for?

  • Women who feel the call to become a Womb/Yoni Steam Facilitator

  • Women who are already Yoni/Womb Steam space holders but want to incorporate sacred ceremony safely and in integrity.

  • Healers, ​practitioners who have a clientele who feel the call to incorporate womb steaming into their practice.

  • Women who feel called to the temple/ womb/ oracular priestess arts.

  • Pythia Priestess Clients who have been initiated in the past and want to join for a refresher with a discounted price.

What makes this mentorship stand out from other Womb Steam Facilitation Programs?

  • Ceremonial teachings are included to provide a secure somatic container for your clientele.

  • Womb wisdom is incorporated to provide somatic healing, wisdom and tools. This knowledge will provide your clientele healing  mind, body, spirit and womb. 

  • Spirit and Science come together to support holistic healing. 

What will you receive and learn? 

  • Four day in person Training.

  • Initiation into a Steam Facilitator and Ceremonialist. 

  • Receive tools to start your own successful womb steaming business.

  • Womb steam Throne

  • Womb Steaming Protocol Book.


EArly Bird pricing till July 12th

$ 2000 USD

$2500 usd AFTER July 12th

$450 for initiated pythia Priestess

(payment plans available) $500 down to secure your spot.
*Flight and Lodging not included if traveling out of state or country.

Inside the course:

Day one

  • The oracles of Delphi

  • Reclaiming Pythia and her-story.

  • Womb steaming 101.

  • Herbal formulation. Making your womb steam blends.

  • Womb Materia Medica (Herbs)

Day two

  • Womb steaming for menstruation health and empowerment.

  • Womb steaming for fertility.

  • Womb steaming for birth empowerment. 37-40 weeks.

  • Womb steaming for postpartum

  • Womb Steaming for miscarriage and abortion.

  • Womb steaming for the Crone: Perimenopausal and Menopause.

DAy Three

  • Womb steaming for cysts and PCOS.

  • Womb steaming for fibroids.

  • Womb steaming for Endometriosis.

  • Womb steaming for hot and damp natured infections. 

Day Four

  • How to set up & hold sacred space.

  • Opening & Closing Circles.

  • The art of anointing.

  • Energetic Protection.

  • Starting your business.

  • Passing out Certificate and Thrones.


Dates as Follows.

Day 1 :

THURSDAY August 8th

5:30 pm - 8:30pm PST

Day 2 :

FRIDAY August 9th

5:30 pm - 8:30pm PST

Day 3:

SATURDAY August 10th

10am- 12pm PST

Lunch Break 12pm - 1pm PST

1:30pm -3:00 pm PST

Day 4:

MONDAY August 12th

5:30 pm - 8:30pm PST


$500 deposit to secure your spot.

Pay in full

Early bird: $2,000

After July 12th: $2,500

two payments

Early Bird: $1,000

After July 12th: 1,250

4 Monthly Payments

Early Bird: $500

After July 12th: $625

for initiated pythia Priestess: $450 in total.

Womb Steaming Facilitation INtensive

My vision, promise and mission is to share my wisdom, pass the torch to other women who are ready to hold space in love and integrity in this sacred way. To put money in the hands of ​womb ​healers and to support the expansion of use of this modality globally as it once was.

$555 deposit to secure your spot.

Womb Priestess School Of Mysteries

Secure your spot for January 2025 enrollment here with deposit of $500.


Cassie Osegueda Esthetician

"Embarking on the Pythia priestess apprenticeship has been a profound and enlightening journey. The wisdom shared, rituals learned, and deep connection to my sisters exceeded my expectations. I am grateful for how Cassandra has shown up for me personally and now in this sacred and transformative experience. She truly embodies her teachings, making this journey both enlightening and deeply meaningful."

Christina Rodriguez

My journey on the Pythia Priestess apprenticeship has been nothing short of transformative. Although I was not a novice to womb steaming, I was initially unaware of its power to ease years of endometrial troubles. The endometrial healing I experienced from a series of womb steaming protocols over time left me in awe. However, the level of profound healing and transformation I came to experience during my apprenticeship years later left me enchanted. Under Cassandra’s nurturing guidance and through her thorough teachings, I have had the honor of delving deep into ancient wisdom, sacred ritual, and modern practices, discovering the profound healing medicine that is womb steaming. Instilling a deeper sense of connection to my feminine essence and intuition, this beautiful experience has not only expanded my knowledge, but it has intensified my connection to my own body.
The teachings, both ancient and contemporary, have equipped me with tools and wisdom, unlocking the potential to support other women on their own paths to healing, holistic wellness, and transformation. The sacred safe environment that Cassandra fostered and the connection born of a community of sisterhood have empowered me to honor the innate wisdom of my womb and facilitate healing both within myself and others in a profoundly impactful way. 
I highly encourage curiosity of womb steaming and of the Pythia Priestesshood for those seeking to heal, reclaim their power, and/or embrace the sacredness of their womb.

I am eternally grateful for this divine experience, for it is because of it that I am able to integrate my passions and purpose, I am able share with others the magic that occurs via this ancient medicine, and I am able to embody a trajectory of divine feminine healing.
To Cassandra, my sisters, and teachers, thank you.

Kayla Keller

When I heard the call to become a Priestess, Eternal Womb was an obvious choice. Actually going through the program I discovered that Cassandra was the perfect choice as a High Priestess to guide me through the intricacies of Womb Steaming and also stepping into my power. This program has transformed me inside and out. My personal practice has never been so intentional and sacred. My business is just beginning and I am certain it will be a success with the tools I was provided from the program. I highly recommend this modality to anyone who is ready to step into their highest timeline.

Bridget Richmond owner of Opal Raw Beauty

"The Pythia Priestess apprenticeship was an absolutely divine experience. Cassandra holds beautiful space, and her lessons embody so much wisdom. Everything was woven together perfectly. The path to harnessing our power lies in following our intuition and womb wisdom. This course helped me align my passion and purpose to share with others. I am so grateful for the love and connection from every sister!"

Joylyn Maya

Thank you Cassandra for creating such sacred space to embark on the path of Yoni Steaming and devotion to being in service to all wombs. Your prayerful work has brought me into realms that are rooted deeply into the sacred mystery and ritual teachings. You've showed me the Priestess I am and here to be and given me a beautiful choice to reopen this portal, one I had forgotten. 

Shannen Lee

"I chose to become a Pythia Priestess because I understand the beauty of the container and medicine that Cassandra carries. As stewards of feminine liberation, I love the depth of knowledge we dive into regarding the ancient practice of womb steaming and how we can support and co-create new realities with our clients. Eternal Womb has provided me the tools to step forward with greater depth in my medicine. My deepest gratitude!"