Womb Steaming Apprenticeship for birth workers

Join Cassandra, High Priestess and Medicine Woman for a three month, Ceremonial Yoni Steam Apprenticeship for birth workers.

Womb Steaming for Birth Workers
One time
For 3 months

As an Herbalist, medicine woman and priestess

I have supported many mothers through the sacred rite of passage into motherhood. With the ancestral healing modality of womb steaming I have nourished and empowered pregnant mothers with birth empowerment steam ceremonies, guided mothers on how to use this modality during early labor successfully and for postpartum nourishment. I have my own herbal product line that I have created to support my mother clients from fertility, pregnancy and postpartum.

I believe empowering our mothers during this sacred time of their lives will not only lead to empowering births but the uplifting of the primordial spirits of Mothers, Women. When we have thriving Mother’s we have a thriving earth and world.

Mother’s need community and birth workers, womb tenders such as ourselves who will guide them through this sacred portal no matter how many times she has birthed

Who is this for?

  • Birth workers wanting to add womb steaming to their tool box to support their client mothers.

  • Birth Workers who want to use womb steaming to support their mother clients during late pregnancy, early labor and postpartum.

  • Birth workers who want to learn about herbs and medicine making for their client mothers, from pregnancy to postpartum.

  • Birth workers wanting to know how to hold sacred ceremonial space for mothers during birth empowerment steams and during labor.

  • What makes this mentorship stand out from other Womb Steam Facilitation Programs?

  • Ceremonial teachings are included to provide a secure somatic container for your clientele.

  • Spirit and Science come together to support mothers through this sacred initiation. 

What will you receive and learn? 

  • Three month virtual Mentorship.

  • Certification of completion of apprenticeship.

  • Learn how the basics of folk herbalism for the childbearing years.

  • Initiation into a Womb Steam Facilitator and Ceremonialist. 

  • Receive tools to start utilizing this practice for your clients.

  • Womb steam chair included

Exchange: $1500 usd

*Payment plans available

Inside the course:

Month one

  • Womb steaming 101.

  • Herbal formulation. Making your womb steam blends.

  • Herbs for the childbearing years.

Month two

  • Womb steaming for birth readiness and empowerment.

  • Rites of passage teachings,

    maiden into mother.

  • Womb steaming for early labor.

  • Womb steaming for postpartum.

Month Three

  • Medicine making: How to make simple tinctures, slaves, teas, herbal oils.

  • Setting up & holding sacred space.

  • Alter building.

  • Opening & Closing Circles.

  • The art of anointing.


Dates as Follows.


Saturday October 21st , 28th

12pm EST


Saturday November 4th, 11th, 18th



Saturday December 9th, 16TH.



Pay in full $1500

Two Payments of $750

3 monthly payments of $500

Womb Steaming Apprenticeship for birth workers

It is time to weave this sacred & ancient healing modality back into the birthing arenas as a tool to deeply support mothers. They deserve it.

Womb Steaming for Birth Workers