Mary Magdalene Feast Day

β€œMary Magdalene is not an isolated woman. She is deeply connected to Earth, deeply connected to spiritual, mystical traditions, and deeply connected to lineages of priestesses and wise women who passed their traditions down to her, as she passed them forward. In her spirit, and her name Magdalene holds a great continuity of the red thread of Sophia. This is why so many people who don’t identify with Christianity and monotheistic religions or the biblical story of Mary Magdalene as a redeemed sinner, suddenly find Mary Magdalene calling to them. They feel her presence, she comes to them in dreams, synchronicities, books present themselves, pictures catch their eye. It is the call of the Magdalene.”
Mary Magdalene Feast Day Celebration
One time

7/22 @5pm PST via zoom

Join Cassandra for a evening of celebrating our Holy Rose Mother, Mary Magdalene. We will gather in prayer, ritual, receive the codes of her ministry and mysteries. Let us gather and share how Mary Magdalene came into our lives.

There were three who always walked with the Lord: Mary his mother and her sister and Magdalene, the one who WAS called his companion. His sister and his mother and his companion were each a Mary. And the companion of the savior is Mary Magdalene.

(Gospel of Philip.)